MAY 22nd - 25th, 2023 TOKYO, JAPAN


Schedule of 6th ISC

21st (Sun) May 2023: Ice Breaker Reception
22nd (Mon) May 2023: Conference Day 1
23rd (Tue) May 2023: Conference Day 2 + Banquet Dinner Party
24th (Wed) May 2023: Conference Day 3
25th (Thu) May 2023: Conference Day 4
26th (Fri) May 2023: Field excursion
27th (Sat) May 2023: Workshops

21st (Sunday)

17:00-20:00Registrations (Restaurant Abreuvoir)
17:30-20:006thISC Ice Breaker reception (Restaurant Abreuvoir)

22nd (Monday)

9:00- Registrations (Yayoi Auditorium)
9:30-10:00Introductory remarks and welcome
10:00-10:30Pupa GILBERT (Keynote)
Biomineralization: how mollusks and corals form their shells and skeletons
11:00-11:15Kimberley MILLS
Coupling shell architecture and geochemistry in giant clams:
a window into biomineralization
11:15-11:30Taro YOSHIMURA
How do animals secrete carbonates in the hadal zone?: a novel insight
from the chemosymbiotic bivalve “Axinulus” hadalis (Thyasiridae)
11:30-11:45Victoria LOUIS
Clock or no clock? The integration of rhythmic environment in bivalve’s shell
11:45-12:00Masa-aki YOSHIDA
Dynamic expressions of shell matrix protein-coding genes during the
embryonic development of Nautilus pompilius
12:00-13:45LUNCH BREAK
13:45-14:15David MOSS (Keynote)
Evolutionary paleobiology and sclerochronology reunited
14:15-14:30Shunta ICHIMURA
Seasonal change of water temperature in the middle Cretaceous northwestern
Pacific region and life history of a bivalve Cucullaea (Idonearca) delicatostriata
14:30-14:45Iris ARNDT
Daily-resolved growth rate model for fossil giant clams based on wavelet
transform evaluation of geochemical cycles
14:45-15:00Yasuo KONDO
Comparison of seasonal shell growth of the pectinid bivalves, Pecten albicans
Schröter and P. naganumanus (Yokoyama)
15:00-15:15Zuorui LIU
Insights of the ecotype and habitat preferences of Spinosaurus from C-S-O
isotope signatures
15:15-15:30Cornélia BROSSET
The link between shell microstructural properties, Na/Ca, Sr/Ca,
and biomineralization rate of Arctica islandica grown under
temperature-controlled laboratory conditions
15:30-15:45Christine BASSETT
Variability in Daily Growth Increment Width Indicate Subtidal vs. Intertidal
Habitat in specimens of Saxidomus giganteus
16:15-16:30Claudio GARBELLI (online)
The δ11B, δ13C and δ18O values of the shell in Calloria inconspicua
(Sowerby, 1846): clues about the mechanism of brachiopods calcification
16:30-16:45Martina CONTI (online)
Advances in amino acid geochronology of bivalve shells
16:45-17:00Isabella LEONHARD (online)
Reconstructing Holocene changes in body size of Adriatic gobies using coupled
radiocarbon dating and sclerochronological analyses of modern and fossil otoliths
17:00-17:15Minoli DIAS
Assessment of the coralline alga archive, Clathromorphum compactum, for
proxy-based reconstruction of sea-ice cover and glacier runoff
17:15-17:30Christoph GEY
Nacre tablet thickness of freshwater pearl mussels as new temperature recorder?
17:45-18:45Poster Session: Biomineralization/ Paleoecology and Evolution/
Proxy Development and Optimization

23rd (Tuesday)

9:00-9:30House Keeping (Yayoi Auditorium)
9:30-10:00Zoë DOUBLEDAY (Keynote)
Using biogenic carbonates to universally trace the movement of marine animals
and animal products
10:00-10:15Irina CHEMSHIROVA
Fine population structure of the Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus using
trace elemental signatures within statolith microstructure
10:15-10:30Erica DURANTE
Ageing octopus; the good, the bad, and the ugly
11:00-11:15Chun-i CHIANG
Dynamics of growth, maturity and trophic position of two cephalopod species
in the Taiwan Strait.
11:15-11:30Beatriz MORALES-NIN
Otolith microchemistry as a tool to determine the stock structure of
European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Mediterranean
11:30-11:45Chiahui WANG
Effect of annual temperature variation on species composition of grey mullet
11:45-12:00Davin SETIAMARGA
Gene recruitments, dismissals, and re-recruitments in the formation of
shell-like calcificed eggcase of argonaut octopuses
12:00-13:45LUNCH BREAK
13:45-14:15Liqiang ZHAO (Keynote) (online)
Proxy development and application for sclerochronology: Current state and
future direction
14:15-14:30Ming-Tsung CHUNG
δ13C metabolic proxy in cross-species comparisons
14:30-14:45Dave GOODWIN
Re-Evaluating the Resolution and Fidelity of Mollusc Shell Biogeochemical
Archives: How Good are We Really Doing?
14:45-15:00Bernd SCHÖNE
Weighting of high-resolution data is crucial to avoid bias caused by sample spot
geometry and variations in seasonal growth rate
15:00-15:15Franck LARTAUD
An in depth characterization of the use of oyster shells as (paleo)climate
and (paleo)environmental archives
15:15-15:30Chloe STRINGER
Decoding Alathyria jacksoni: The process and preliminary results of
a calibration study for a freshwater bivalve species
in the Central Murray River Basin, south-east Australia
15:30-15:45Alan WANAMAKER
Development of the boron isotope pH proxy in Arctica islandica shells
16:15-16:30Nur SEPTRIANI (online)
Bibliometric Analysis of the Global Research Profile on Fish Otolith
(1924 to 2022)
16:30-16:45Nadjette BOUREHAIL (online)
Population structure and dynamics of the European Barracuda
Sphyraena sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758) from eastern Algeria
16:45-17:00Clive TRUEMAN (online)
Carbon isotope -based biomineral proxies for field metabolic rate:
mechanistic basis, emerging insights and remaining uncertainties
17:00-17:15Hana UVANOVIĆ (online)
Callista chione (Bivalvia) – A high-resolution archive of trace element data
17:15-17:30Maximilian FURSMAN
Tridacna sclerochemistry at daily resolution from a controlled aquarium
environment-records of habitat change, induced seasonality and growth effects
17:30-17:45Jacob WARNER
Assessing the utility of trace elements (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Ba/Ca) as
potential environmental proxies in Donax obesulus
19:00-21:00Banquet dinner party (Royal Park Hotel Tokyo) MAP

24th (Wednesday)

9:00-9:30House Keeping (Yayoi Auditorium)
9:30-9:45Valentin SIEBERT (online)
Reconstruction of dynamics of past primary production in the Bay of Brest
from 3000 BCE to the present day, through the sclerochronological study
of the King scallop, Pecten maximus
9:45-10:00Melissa PRICE (online)
Late Campanian absolute seasonal temperature estimates from clumped isotopes
in rudist shell
10:00-10:15Marisa DUSSEAULT (online)
Investigating Marine Radiocarbon in Port Joli Harbour, Nova Scotia:
Implications for Archaeology and Sclerochronology
10:15-10:45Kozue NISHIDA (Keynote)
Interdisciplinary approaches combining experimental biology and geochemistry
to assess environmental impacts on marine organisms
11:15-11:30Kei SATO
Physiological response of Pinctada fucata to hypoxia and its related phenotypic
plasticity of the shell microstructure
11:30-11:45Melita PEHARDA
Spatial and temporal variability in environmental δ15N signals –insights from
Mytilus galloprovincialis shell and tissue analyses
11:45-12:00David GILLIKIN
Nitrogen isotopes in the shell of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki
as a proxy for sea ice cover in Antarctica
12:00-12:30Meghan BURCHELL (Keynote)
Imagining a Radical Future for Archaeology and Sclerochronology
12:30-14:15LUNCH BREAK
14:15-14:30Fred ANDRUS
Determining the habitats of archaeological mollusk collection revisited:
limitations and possibilities
14:30-14:45Eleanor JOHN
Recent ENSO Evidence from Fiji: Climate Archives in Middens (REEFCLAM)
14:45-15:00Gabriella YEBOAH
Application of sclerochronology as a tool for studying the age and growth rates
of Crassostrea Tulipa along the coast of West Africa.
15:00-15:15Amy PRENDERGAST
Sclerochronology in the service of human evolution studies
15:15-15:30Bohao DONG
30-years of paleoenvironmental variation in the northern Great Barrier Reef
reconstructed from Little Ice Age giant clam shell geochemistry
15:30-15:45Kalina GRYCZYŃSKA
A comparison of the record of alterations in trace element content
in the shells of several species subjected to anthropopressure
16:15-16:30Asier GARCÍA-ESCÁRZAGA (online)
Neanderthal lifeways on the coast: Deciphering shellfish collection patterns
during the Middle Palaeolithic using sclerochronological analysis of
Patella depressa limpet shells from Figueira Brava (Portugal)
16:30-16:45Rosa ARNIZ-MATEOS (online)
Establishing shell collection patterns in the Cantabrian Mesolithic
(Nothern Iberia) from stable oxygen isotopes
16:45-17:00Gaia CRIPPA (online)
Mollusc shells as archives of seasonality in the HAS1 settlement, Oman
17:00-17:15Kazuho SHOJI
Variations in ENSO Recorded on Protothaca thaca (Mollusca, Veneridae)
Shells and Adaptation Strategies of Maritime Community
on the Prehistoric Peruvian North Coast
17:15-17:30Katharina SCHMITT
Terrestrial and aquatic snails from the Sultanate of Oman:An excellent archive
for the reconstruction of climate and environmental change during
the Early Bronze Age and today
17:45-18:45Poster Session: Climate: Past, Present and Future/
Environmental Monitoring and Pollution/ Fisheries Ecology and Management/
Sclerochronology, Archaeology and Human-Environmental Interactions

25th (Thursday)

9:00-9:30House Keeping (Yayoi Auditorium)
9:30-9:45Nina WHITNEY (online)
Combining Arctica islandica shell growth and oxygen isotopes with high resolution
ocean models to assess current Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool degradation
in the context of the last 150 years
9:45-10:00Diana THATCHER (online)
Evidence of coherent warming in the northwest Atlantic Ocean from
Arctica islandica oxygen isotope records
10:00-10:30David REYNOLDS (Keynote)
Annually resolved baselines of coupled North Atlantic climate
11:00-11:15Jorit KNIEST
Resolving Eocene seasonal temperature amplitude of the mid-latitudes
by combing stable oxygen and dual clumped isotope thermometry
from marine bivalve shells
11:15-11:30Jean-François CUDENNEC
Reconstructing the Early Pliocene climatic conditions
in the Southern North Sea Basin: a multi-species approach
11:30-11:45Niels DE WINTER
Seasonal temperature and salinity changes in the North Sea documented
by bivalves during the Mid-Piacenzian Warm Period
11:45-12:00Mahsa ALIDOOSTSALIMI
High-resolution reconstructions of Holocene ENSO from the Great Barrier Reef
using short-lived marine gastropod shells
12:00-12:15Haruya NAGAFUCHI
Middle–Late Holocene sea surface environments recorded in Tridacnine shells
at prehistoric sites in Tokunosima Island
12:15-12:30Beatriz ARELLANO-NAVA
Bivalves indicate a potential incoming regime shift
on the Northwestern European Shelf
12:30-14:00LUNCH BREAK
14:00-14:15Kristine DELONG
A Siderastrea siderea Coral from Flower Garden Banks Records Human Impacts
as a Candidate Site for the Anthropocene Global Boundary Stratotype Point
14:15-14:30Steffen HETZINGER
Coralline algae as archives of changes in water temperature and
Greenland Ice Sheet runoff into Disko Bay, Greenland
14:30-14:45Natasha LECLERC
Walking on thin ice: Development of sclerochronological sea-ice proxies
14:45-15:00Bryan BLACK (online)
Multi-centennial, multiproxy perspectives on the history and origins of
northeastern Pacific climate variability
15:00-15:45Concluding Remarks

26th (Friday)

Field Excursion (advance reservation required)

27th (Saturday)

Workshop (advance reservation required)

We are planning to organize a workshop on the 27th Saturday in my institute (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. @Kashiwa city, one hour away from Middle Tokyo). The agenda of the workshop will be as follows:

  • Mini tour for the geochemical and sclerochronological machines/equipment in my institute.
  • Sharing the tips for geochemical analysis (d18O/d13C of CaCO3, d15N/d13C of organics, etc).
  • Sharing the tips for sclerochronological preparations (cutting, polishing, drilling, imaging).