MAY 22nd - 25th, 2023 TOKYO, JAPAN

Extended deadline for the special issues of PALAEO3 and Limnology & Oceanography Letters 20/03/2024

Considering the number of papers submitted to date, we have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submissions of PALAEO3 and L&O to June 30, 2024.

We eagerly anticipate receiving your manuscripts!

Please check http://sclero-conf.jp/general-information/

Information for PALEO3

Call for Papers: High-resolution Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction through Sclerochronology and Geochemistry

This special issue invites contributions related to sclerochronology. It follows the ‘6th International Sclerochronology Conference’ held in May 2023 and is open to submissions from both conference attendees and those who did not participate. Further details are available here.

If you plan to submit a manuscript, please do so through our system. During the submission process, choose “VSI: sclerochronology” as the “Article Type.”

Guest Editors: Kotaro Shirai, Amy Prendergast, Kaoru Kubota

Overseeing Editor: Mary Elliot
